Thursday, July 19, 2007

Free Sheet Music

I'm so glad that I didn't make any plans for yesterday... If I had been working, I don't know how I would have gotten home. A huge steam explosion (77 stories high, according to one source) occurred in Manhattan, near Grand Central station. One person was killed, 18 injured... thank goodness it wasn't any more. Most of the places I read about it don't even bother saying the cause - they just blatantly state "It wasn't terrorism!" Of course, my mom is absolutely convinced it was.

Now they're saying that while there is asbestos in the dust, the air is clean. How does that work? Meh. Hopefully by the time I have to work on Saturday, everything will be settled.

In other news, I'm writing an article for Associated Content about free sheet music on the internet, so be on the lookout for that. I'll link to it here when it's up (whenever I get off my lazy butt and finish it).

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