Saturday, August 4, 2007

Vacation Blues and Amazing Webcomics

Why haven't I been blogging? I'll tell you why. You know how when you go on vacation, everything that can possibly go wrong... does? My guy and I went to his cousin's place in Virginia for a couple of days. We'd been really looking forward to it all month. We hopped on the greyhound bus and rode for 4 hours... got there without a problem, at 11 PM. We spent all of the next day at the pool, thinking we'd go sightsee Washington DC the next day.

The next morning his cousin wakes us up at 7 in the morning. My boyfriend's dad is at the hospital. He needs a quintuple bipass surgery.

I didn't even know they went up that high. Well we drove back that morning and spent all day in the hospital, and much of the next day. His dad is better now, he's been moved out of the ICU and into a normal recovery room. I think he was the money maker in the house though, so I don't know how they'll get by until he's back on his feet again.

So yeah. That always happens, doesn't it? ALWAYS on a vacation. I'm just glad he's okay.

And now, here is a list of some GREAT webcomics that I read regularly:

- Girls With Slingshots - Two girls, a bar, and a talking cactus. Updates 5 days a week.
- No Pink Ponies - No Pink Ponies. Updates randomly at the moment, it seems.
- Candi - Aww it doesn't have a "motto." But it's a great comic. Updates Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.
- Noses Optional - Sometimes truth IS stranger than fiction. Updates Mondays.
- Count Your Sheep - More than cute. Updates... it doesn't say. Something like almost every day?
- Saint Peter's Cross - This doesn't have a slogan of any type either, but it's a very intriguing though somewhat dark webcomic about demons like you've never seen them before. Updates weekly, at the moment.
- Copper - Again, no slogan. I love looking at the comics here, they're so... different. Copper is currently on hiatus while the artist works on another project, but this I keep coming back to look at the same pages over and over so I decided it needed a mention.

I purposely didn't include much of a description of these comics. Click around - you might stumble upon something you like.

May all your vacations be an escape from life... instead of a hard fall back into it.

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