Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tornado in NY?

Apparantly a part of Brooklyn was hit by a tornado last night (while all of NYC and this area was hit by a huge and violent storm). Yes I do live in Brooklyn. The neighborhood that was hit hardest is very close to me. Roofs torn off, trees uprooted, the whole works.

I woke up while it was at its worst, it was pretty scary.

Mass transit was messed up... I pity those who had to go to work. MTA spokespeople actually said that if you haven't left home..... don't. There are something like 30 subway lines in NYC... 17 of them were either severely delayed or completely not working. The 1, 2, 3, A, B, D, R, and every other possible letter you can think of. Jeez.

In other news, I have an article about how to save money and time in the American Museum of Natural History written up... just need to type it (as always). When I do, I'll link to it here. And I will get around to the sheet music thing too, I just haven't had a moment to myself.

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